Flute Bootcamp! (All levels)
Calling all aspiring flute players! Join Fiona Fulton, one of Chetham’s School of Music’s specialist tutors, for a fun, energised workshop, where we help you reach your personal best. Learn how...
Calling all aspiring flute players! Join Fiona Fulton, one of Chetham’s School of Music’s specialist tutors, for a fun, energised workshop, where we help you reach your personal best. Learn how...
Calling all aspiring flute players! Join Fiona Fulton, one of Chetham’s School of Music’s specialist tutors, for a fun, energised workshop, where we help you reach your personal best. Learn how...
Explore what it takes to hit the high and the low notes with our specialist tutor Neil Fulton. Join this fun, energised online workshop as we buzz, breathe and blow our way...
Explore what it takes to hit the high and the low notes with our specialist tutor Neil Fulton. Join this fun, energised online workshop as we buzz, breathe and blow our way...
“…a fine set of shanties sung by a crew of women. It’s a fresh fair wind and a steer by the stars that takes an entirely different look at a...
“…a fine set of shanties sung by a crew of women. It’s a fresh fair wind and a steer by the stars that takes an entirely different look at a...
Available to book and watch until Sunday 7 March In partnership with Northern Chamber Orchestra “…pianist Lara Melda rattled off the wrenching toccata-like piano part while Britten’s extrovert themes...
Available to book and watch until Sunday 7 March In partnership with Northern Chamber Orchestra “…pianist Lara Melda rattled off the wrenching toccata-like piano part while Britten’s extrovert themes...
Featuring: Ant Law – Guitar / Mike Chillingworth – Saxophone / Ivo Neame – Piano / Tom Farmer – Bass / James Maddren – Drums “Ant Law is an innovator”...
Featuring: Ant Law – Guitar / Mike Chillingworth – Saxophone / Ivo Neame – Piano / Tom Farmer – Bass / James Maddren – Drums “Ant Law is an innovator”...